2023 Spring CoAD_finals week_334 Accreditation Information

Integrated Path to Architectural Licensure: IPAL

The College of Architecture and Design at Lawrence Technological University was accepted in 2016 to participate in the Integrated Path to Architectural Licensure (IPAL) initiative. This initiative provides selected students with the opportunity to complete the requirements for licensure while earning their degree. 由全国建筑注册委员会(NCARB)组织, the initiative encourages selected accredited programs to incorporate professional experience and examination into their curricula. Each accredited program that is accepted as part of IPAL adapts the IPAL concept to coordinate with the specifics of the college's curriculum. To learn more about NCARB and IPAL visit ncarb.org/IPAL or contact the CoAD iPAL Coordinator Eric Ward at eward@kyzt365.com .

利记sbo IPAL Program Outline

The 利记sbo IPAL Program is organized around continuous integration of internship employment and registration examinations with professional education. It is open to qualifying undergraduate and graduate students, and takes a slightly different form in each case. For undergraduate students, beginning in the summer after their third-year courses, 并持续到完成6年以上的建筑硕士课程, employment is structured as full-time during summers, 在秋季和春季学期兼职,以便有足够的时间完成课程. The 利记sbo CoAD curriculum is organized to allow productive fulfillment of AXP experience requirements following the third-year courses, with subsequent coursework arranged to allow the taking of ARE examinations beginning in the spring of the fifth year. For graduate students, 有AXP经验或已完成ARE考试的学生, IPAL计划通常与他们的具体情况很好地结合在一起, including non-local students who are working in other states (subject to each state’s individual licensure-process requirements).

For both undergraduate and graduate students alike, two criteria are primary for IPAL Program acceptance and continuance: Students have the responsibility first to proactively secure employment with a firm that qualifies under “Experience Setting A: Practice of Architecture”. Subsequently, students have the responsibility to make continuous progress toward fulfilling their AXP and ARE requirements prior to graduation.

Integrated Path to Architectural Licensure Diagram

"Through IPAL putting me in touch with different firms, I was able to obtain an internship that turned into a career. I was also able to take the ARE exams early, 这将使我成为该州最年轻的注册建筑师之一."

Trent Schmitz
利记sbo M. Arch 2020

Trent Schmitz

Support of the IPAL Program by 利记sbo Administration

"In many ways, our M.Arch课程完美地支持了NCARB加速路径计划的目标和意图. Our program is extremely practice-oriented, in keeping with the University's long-standing motto, "Theory and Practice," which dates from 1932.

我们的许多学生在攻读专业学位的同时已经拥有了建筑工作, 因此,完全满足NCARB计划的要求所需的更改很少. The College of Architecture and Design has developed one of the most notable Online Master of Architecture programs in the nation. This will allow our students to engage our Accelerated Path to Licensure Program virtually anywhere in the world where internet service is present.

利记sbo以提供创新的教育模式而自豪. This program not only fits us well, but it will allow us to work with the NCARB to redefine the transition from architectural education to architectural practice and licensure in the 21 st Century."

Provost (excerpt from Letter of Support to NCARB)

Program Details

The 利记sbo IPAL Program admits all students - undergraduate and graduate - who meet the Program’s requirements for demonstrated academic performance, ongoing AXP-supportive employment, 和充分的自我管理来完成项目的所有目标.

利记sbo IPAL的学生将在他们的课程期间连续就业, as required to complete the 3,740 hours mandated by the NCARB AXP Guidelines. Employment will typically be 40 hours/week min. during the summer, and 20 hours/week max. during the Fall and Spring semesters. Employment arrangements can be handled in several ways, and will be determined between firms and students, consistent with IPAL guidelines. 利记sbo IPAL students must commit to balancing sustained academic performance with providing ongoing AXP-level work to their employers, and preparing for and taking the ARE exams. AXP和ARE要求都必须在毕业前完成. The firms employing IPAL students in turn commit to providing the needed range of AXP-level work for their IPAL student employees, 并为学生准备和参加ARE考试提供不同程度的支持.

Requirements for Application

Basic Educational Requirements to be met or exceeded:

  • Junior Year status* (60 credit hours minimum)
  • Grade point average: 3.0 minimum (cumulative)
  • Courses taken or currently enrolled: Construction Systems 1 and Integrated Design 3 for undergraduate students; A portfolio demonstrating equivalent skill-levels for graduate students (if needed)



Application Materials to Submit

Application Materials required for submission are:

  • An IPAL Application Form (completed and signed)
  • A Letter of Confirmation from the student’s employer
  • ALetter of Intent from the student
  • A Résumé

Application Process


  • Make PDFs of all your materials, and combine the PDFs into one PDF for all items (If you are submitting a portfolio to demonstrate equivalent previous coursework, this must be a separate PDF.)
  • 命名PDF:“姓_名_ ipal应用程序(或投资组合)_日期”

Application Timeline

  • Completed Application Materials can be submitted at any time
  • 申请审查:提交日期后约两周
  • Acceptance Status (if appropriate) will be confirmed via email
  • Accepted students must immediately do the following, per NCARB requirements: Confirm enrollment in IPAL with NCARB, 通过设置以下内容(如果学生尚未完成):首先建立NCARB帐户, then establish an NCARB Record. NCARB记录允许学生跟踪AXP的进度,并有资格参加ARE.
  • Once an account and Record are in place, 然后,IPAL学生需要授予利记sbo IPAL协调员访问经验和考试进度的权限, to track these against the AXP and ARE goals of the IPAL Program.

Disclaimers & Authorizations


  • That the IPAL Program has no connection with the curriculum; that participation in the Program has no credit hours associated with it; that participation in the Program does not guarantee admission to the CoAD Graduate degree program, 或保证在其他事件干预时与CoAD/利记sbo继续联系.
  • That submission of an Application does not guarantee selection for the IPAL Program; that selection does not guarantee continuance in the Program, 根据学生的意向书的要求,是否有持续的进步.
  • That all information submitted for the IPAL Program must be in conformance with the 利记sbo Academic Honor Code.
  • That participation in the IPAL Program does not guarantee completion of all of the components of the Program, or completion of these by graduation; or achievement of actual licensure.
  • That upon graduation, 学生立即停止参加IPAL计划(根据NCARB要求), 并且必须在他们选择的特定司法管辖区建立一个单独的许可路径安排.
  • 在IPAL项目下参加ARE考试的能力(vs. under a specific jurisdiction) ceases at graduation or at any point that a student leaves the Program prior to graduation.


Please contact CoAD’s iPAL Coordinator Eric Ward at eward@kyzt365.com

Application Form

For International Students: Additional information required below will be submitted separately from the Application Form and other Application Materials.

Download Application Form

Letter of Support from Employer

The Letter of Support must include the following:

  • Confirmation from the student’s employer that the organization meets the criteria of NCARB’s “Experience Setting A” (per NCARB’s AXP Guidelines, most recent edition).
  • Acknowledgement and support from the employer regarding the student’s intention to join the IPAL Program. 雇主必须同意利记sbo IPAL项目参数,如下:
    1. For undergraduate students: i) Typically 20 hours per week employment during the Fall and Spring semesters, and 40 hours per week employment during the summer. ii)让学生接触所有符合axp资格的工作任务, such that the student could complete their AXP requirements within 4300 work hours (roughly three and two-thirds years, at the above rate.)
    2. For graduate students: i) Employment-hours sufficient to help the student complete their AXP requirements prior to their intended graduation date. ii)让学生接触到符合axp要求的工作任务,但学生仍然需要完成, 这样学生就可以在预期的毕业日期之前完成他们的AXP要求

Letter of Intent from Student


  • An outline of how the student plans to manage their education, work, and testing efforts in order to complete all aspects of the Program by their intended graduation date; specifically:
    1. A projection of the student’s target graduation date, 以及在目标毕业日期之前在CoAD剩余的学期数. (For undergraduate students, the 利记sbo IPAL schedule assumes eleven semesters (Summer, Fall, Spring) over three and two-thirds years, beginning the summer after the Junior year.)
    2. 在六个AXP类别中,已完成的AXP小时(如果有的话)的清单.
    3. A listing of approximate dates for taking the six ARE exams. (利记sbo IPAL时间表假设最后六个学期每个学期将参加一次考试, beginning in the Spring semester of the first graduate year.)


Include a current résumé, showing the student’s present (IPAL) employer, date of employment start, and duties/tasks performed for the employer.


遵守申请iPAL项目的投资组合指南的所有要求. Website portfolios are not permitted.


提供三个推荐人,包括每个推荐人的利记sbo(包括电子邮件利记sbo). References should not include parents or guardians, 并且至少有一个推荐人必须不是利记sbo的教员.

Additional Information for International Students

Please provide initial documentation from the 利记sbo Office of International Programs on your ability to work under the CPT / OPT Programs.


Please contact CoAD’s iPAL Coordinator Eric Ward at eward@kyzt365.com .

利记sbo Links

Quick Tips (OCS):

Cover Letter

Resume Checklist


Office of Career Services (OCS):


This link states the following information:

“在就业事务处的个别预约期间提供简历协助, 周五上午10点到11点30分,先到先得, 以及在秋季和春季学期安排的各种研讨会上. For upcoming workshops and events check bulletin boards and the Handshake newsfeed page for locations and times.”

“就业服务办公室提供各种服务,以协助职业探索和成功. 我们的一些有形和无形的服务包括求职协助, resume and cover letter critiques, Thank you letter composition, interview guidance, career and professional development and more.”


AIAS Facebook page

AIAS使用Facebook链接来发布任何研讨会活动(如投资组合研讨会)发生的时间. 因为它们不是提前计划的,所以人们需要时刻保持警惕. At times there are also flyers around the studios. 在建筑的一层也挂着一个日历, 靠近老建筑附近的楼梯,那里是AIAS活动的举办地.

Integrated Path to Architectural Licensing

Department of Architecture


Critical Practice


Master of Architecture Thesis