退回Title IV保单(R2T4) PDF

自2000年秋季学期起生效, the Federal Government Changed How Federal 金融援助 is Determined for Students Who Withdraw From All Their Classes.

If a student receiving Title IV funds completely withdraws from classes through 60% of the term, the university is required to determine how much of the financial aid was earned up to the time of withdrawal. Unearned Title IV funds must be returned by the University and/or the student to the federal government. This situation could result in the student owing aid funds to the University, the government or both.


The federal formula requires return of Title IV aid if the student received federal financial assistance in the form of a Pell Grant, 补充教育机会补助金, 联邦珀金斯贷款, 联邦直接学生贷款或PLUS贷款, 伊拉克的教学补助金 & 阿富汗Sv. 在期限的60%或之前授予和提取.

确定学生在退学前已获得的助学金数额, divide the number of calendar days the student attended classes by the total number of calendar days in the term. 超过五天或以上的计划休息不包括在内. The percentage derived is then multiplied by the total federal funds that were disbursed (either to the student’s account or to the student directly by check) for the term. 这个计算决定了学生获得的援助金额, 他/她可以保留哪些(例如?, 如果学生上了25%的课, 该学生已获得所发放助学金的25%).



官方 – an official withdrawal occurs when the student has notified the OneStop of his/her intent to withdraw from 利记sbo. 利记sbo正式退学的政策和程序, 查看利记sbo目录, 学术政策组. 欲了解更多信息,请与一站式联系.
非官方的 – an unofficial withdrawal occurs when the student has not provided official notification of withdrawal to 利记sbo.

Students who wish to drop or withdraw from a course or courses must do so online through 旗帜网站. The date of the drop or withdrawal will be the date that the student completes the process on 旗帜网站. Instructors notify Enrollment Services if a student stops attending or never attended a class. 对于网络课程来说,缺勤是指对网络课程的参与不足. Enrollment Services contacts the student by email informing them “we have been notified of non-attendance”. The student has ten days to respond by either withdrawing from the course (if it is still within the withdrawal period) or by resolving the issue with the instructor. 如果学生没有采取任何行动,则会给学生颁发“WF”或“WN”等级. The last date of attendance as reported by the instructor is recorded as a requirement for 金融援助 processing of Return to Title IV. 如果有学生被判定是非正式退学, the Return to Title IV calculations will assume 50% of the term completed-unless documentation supporting the last date of academic activity can be provided by the student if it 利记sbo 2 verifies a later date of attendance than determined by 利记sbo. 支持学术活动最后日期的文件应带到一站式. 请看下面的学术相关活动的例子.


Examples of 利记sbo academic-related activities include but are not limited to physically attending a class where there is an opportunity for direct interaction between the instructor and students.

  • 考试或测验
  • 教程
  • 计算机辅助教学
  • 完成一项学术作业、论文或项目
  • 参与网上学术讨论
  • Initiating contact with a faculty member to ask a question about the academic subject in the course


The unearned amount (total aid disbursed less the earned amount) must be returned to the federal government as soon as possible but no later than 45 days from the determination of the withdrawal by the University.

A post withdrawal disbursement of funds will be made to the student if the amount disbursed to the student is less than the amount the student earned, and for which the student was otherwise eligible he/she is eligible to receive a post withdrawal disbursement of the earned aid that was not received. The University will notify the student if this situation exists within 30 days of the date of determination of the withdrawal.


Funds that are returned to the federal government are used to reduce the outstanding balances in individual federal programs. Financial aid returned (by the University and/or the student or parent) must be allocated in the following order: 

  1. 联邦无补贴直接斯塔福德贷款
  2. 联邦补贴直接斯塔福德贷款
  3. 代表学生收到的联邦直接加(家长)贷款
  4. 联邦佩尔助学金
  5. 伊拉克和阿富汗服务补助金
  6. FSEOG计划援助联邦补充教育机会补助金
  7. 教授予

一旦确定获得的联邦援助, 财政援助办公室将通知每个受影响的退学学生的资格. 补助金将在确定提取后的金额后45天内发放.  Post-withdrawal loans will be offered to the student or parent before funds can be applied to the student’s account.  要约要求在收到通知后14天内以书面形式接受或拒绝. 贷款 must be disbursed within 30 days of the date the university determines that the student withdrew.

  • 已发放的贷款应按本票所列的条款和条件支付. Most Direct Loan borrowers will enter repayment six months after withdrawal unless they begin classes on a half-time basis (6 credits undergraduate/3 credits graduate) before the end of their six-month grace period. 

Eligibility for Michigan Competitive Scholarship/Michigan Tuition Grant funds are calculated based on a formula provided by the Michigan Office of 奖学金 and 奖助金.

University funds are calculated using the same percentage used in the federal calculation for Title IV funds. 只有当学生欠大学的余额时,才能申请大学资金.

It is important to realize that a key component of satisfactory academic progress is course completion. 总退学不贡献完成学分的学术成绩单. Absence of course completion during a term could be viewed negatively in positive progress towards degree completion.  

如有任何问题或疑虑,请致电(248)204-2280或  enrollmentservices@kyzt365.com . The 财政援助办公室 encourages all students to meet with their academic advisor and to take advantage of the resources offered in the Counseling and Support Services Office before withdrawing.